Pitbull Eating Junk Food

How much do Pit Bulls Weigh

When I first got my very first pit bull, I had no idea how much an average sized pit bull should weigh, so I was worried when I got my baby pit bull.  How much do pit bulls weigh? Pit Bulls range from 10-pound terrier sized dogs to massive 200-pound animals. Most pit bulls will…

Black Pitbull In Grass
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A Guide to a Black Pit Bull

Black pit bulls are a sought after color that is the second most popular color behind the blue (gray) pit bulls. These dark dogs are often wanted more for their fierce looks than personality. A black pit bull can often look very intimidating with stark black coats that have no other colors many times they…

Pitbull In Grass Mouth Open

How Long do Pit Bulls Live

Pit bulls are one of the most outgoing dogs, but if you adopt one you might wonder things like their health factors and longevity. No one wants to lose a dog early to something they could prevent. How long do pit bulls live? The American Pit Bull terrier lives 8-15 years and the American Staffordshire…

Dog Talking Wearing Jacket

Do Pit Bulls make Good Pets (8 reasons)

If you are someone new to the pit bull breed, then you can find a lot of hate out there that targets these lovable dogs. I am here to tell you that here are 8 great reasons that tell you why the pit bull myth is wrong. These are some magnificent dogs. Do pit bulls…